Update. 2021. 2.19. 1. detectron2 github에서 코드 clone, python path에 densepoe 추가 sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/detectron2/projects/DensePose/') 2. colab 가이드대로 pyyamml, detectron2를 pip install. 이 때 detectron2의 torch버전이 자기 torch버전과 같도록 주의할 것. 난 1.6을 쓰니까 1.6으로 바꿔줌 3. pip install av 끝. 기본적으로 virtualenv 가상환경에서 https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16jcaJoc6bCFAQ96jDe2HwtXj7BMD_-m5#scrollTo=9_FzH13EjseR..
Densepose data annotation has 24 parts of human body, but their part segmentation masks correspond to 14 parts of the body. You can find some definitions of 24 parts by refering the correspondence listed at the end of this page, https://github.com/facebookresearch/DensePose/blob/master/challenge/2019_COCO_DensePose/data_format.md facebookresearch/DensePose A real-time approach for mapping all hu..
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