Why does the probability is constrained under the 1/(n+1) factor, when n is the size of the calibration dataset?이 그림의 밑이 설명함. Calibration dataset에서 quantile 포인트와 그 직전 point (그게 뭘지는 모르고)의 사이에 있을 확률. calibration data point가 어떤 order로 있을 지 모르니까 각 point 사이에 새로운 test point의 score가 있을 확률이 1 / (n+1)라고 함. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRx4a2u-j7M&t=12shttps://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~angelopoulos/pu..

Background: To undestand the equivarance of a spherical harmonics on rotationA spherical harmonics is a function defined on the surface of a sphere that assigns a value to each point on the sphere. Mathematically, if we denote the sphere by S^2, then a function f defined on the sphere is written as f: S^2→C (or \mathbb{R} if the function is real-valued). This means that for every point on the sp..
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