Part 7 Non-prehensive Skilled Movements08/19/2024이거 표하나로 요약되는 파트임."Gestures and Signs"These three components of signs, namely, location, hand shape, and movement, are considered analogous to the phoneme in spoken language in that they occur below the level of the actual sign. In contrast to spoken languages, they occur simultaneously and not sequentially...Uncommon or unfamiliar words are often ..

Part 6 Prehension08/18/2024"Reaching to Grasp"**1. Reaching to Grasp:Keywords:Reaching Movements: Movements involving the arm moving to grasp an object.Grasp Phase: The stage where the hand adjusts to grasp the object.Manipulation Phase: The final phase involving actual interaction with the object.Velocity Profile: The speed and acceleration of the hand during movement.Takeaways:Reaching to gras..

Part 5 Active Haptic Sensing08/18/2024"Role of Hand Movements"Exploratory Procedures (EPs)EPs also varied in terms of their generality(sometimes called breadth of sufficiency),that is,in terms of the total number of object attributes that each EP could extract with above-chance (sufficient) performance (Lederman ' Klatzky, 1987). For example, lateral motion and pressure EPs are relatively less g..

Human Hand Function 94 page좀 흥미로워서 따로 정리해봄.Turvey and his colleagues have presented a substantial body of empirical evidence to support their argument that “the spatial capabilities of dynamic touch result from the sensitivity of the body's tissues to certain quantities of rotational dynamics about a fixed point that do not vary with changes in the rotational forces (torques) and motions”(1996,p..

Part 4 Tactile SensingWithin the domain of tactile sensing, it is important to distinguish between tasks that involve stimulating the stationary hand with a stationary object (“passive static”) and tasks that involve an external agent moving an object across the stationary hand (“passive movement”). 요약하기보다는, 실험결과들 중 내 눈길을 끈 것들 or take-away 정리. Pressure- Although Weinstein's monofilaments were ca..

Part 3 Neurophysiology of Hand FunctionMechanoreceptors: Glabrous Skin08/09/2024How do you categorize types of Mechanoreceptors?My summary: FA I, FA II, SA I, SA IIFast-adapting: sensitive to movementsSlow-adapting: sensitive to static stimulustype I: Fine-spatial sensingtype II: Large-spatial sensingFirst summary of ChatGPT더보기The categorization of afferent units into Fast-Adapting (FA) and Slow..

Part 2 Evolutionary Development and Anatomy of the HandEvolutionary Development of the Hand08/05/2024What is the difference between human hands and hands of other primates?Opposable thumb. The thumb of humans can touch the tip of the index finger. Many primates cannot do this. This is mainly due to the length ratio of the thumb and other fingers like the index finger. This opposition capability ..

Part 1 Historical Overview and General Introduction What are the two focuses of human hand function in 19th century?1. Counting number of sensory modalities in handEarly tactile concerns centered on issues related to determining the appropriate number of human sensory modalities and submodalities and to the varying sensitivity and spatial acuity of the skina cross the entire human body when stim..

8/27/2024Pytorch Lightning & Pytorch Compatibilityhttps://lightning.ai/docs/pytorch/stable/versioning.html#compatibility-matrix자꾸 Pytorch 새로 깔려해서 빡치네. Pip에서 torch version에 맞게 알아서 Pytorch Lightning install 해야하는 거 아닌가? 반대가 아니라.08/22/2024Multi-gpu training setting in Pytorch Lightning version 2.4Default strategy는 DDP인듯. 어찌어찌 하다보니 Pytorch Lightning update했는데 갑자기 SD가 requires_grad = False 인 것 때문에 생기는..

Why does the probability is constrained under the 1/(n+1) factor, when n is the size of the calibration dataset?이 그림의 밑이 설명함. Calibration dataset에서 quantile 포인트와 그 직전 point (그게 뭘지는 모르고)의 사이에 있을 확률. calibration data point가 어떤 order로 있을 지 모르니까 각 point 사이에 새로운 test point의 score가 있을 확률이 1 / (n+1)라고 함. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRx4a2u-j7M&t=12shttps://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~angelopoulos/pu..
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